Author: jack
“Waking” Now Available in Epiphany Magazine Issue 18
One of my oldest short stories is now available in Epiphany Magazine‘s online literary journal. The original version of this story was written in the summer following my first fiction writing class at Iowa State University. It’s been through a couple of versions since then. I think it was waiting for me to grow up.…
“Collectors” in Separate Worlds Magazine
The January/February issue of Separate Worlds, a science fiction and fantasy magazine, is now available. Inside, you can find my short story “Collectors.” The end of the world is coming, and the fate of the universe will be decided in a Magic-esque card game between Heaven and Hell. “Collectors” is about the “other” demons, sent…
Piper For this month’s flash fiction, The Confabulator Cafe is re-telling fairy tales. I chose The Pied Piper. You can read “Piper” for free at The Confabulator Cafe.
From the Shadows
This week, The Confabulator Cafe asked what drew us to our particular genres or types of writing. Read about the draw of horror and dark fiction in “From the Shadows.” I’ve been working with an editor at a horror publication interested in another one of my stories. Hopefully, I will have news on that front…
A New Year’s Self-Evaluation
It has been a big year, as I wrote about in my most recent blog here. With all of those changes in my personal and professional life, there were bound to be changes in my artistic life. Today, at The Confabulator Cafe, I look back on how I have changed as a writer in the…
365 Days of Chasing Dreams
2012 proved to be a year of transition. Over the last few years, my family has been in flux. After the divorce, my time with my son became much more uncertain. This year, after she moved halfway across the country, I found myself seeing him nearly all the time. It has been great, although I…
Looking back on a year of the Confabulator Cafe, and an upcoming story in Hungur Magazine
In my weekly Confabulator Cafe blog, I was asked about my favorite assignment this year. See my answer in “Bring me another!” Also, Hungur Magazine, a horror magazine specializing in vampire fiction, has accepted my short story “Bloodline” for publication in their April 30, 2013 issue. It has been a good year for my writing career,…
Holiday Wishes and Goodreads
Holiday Wishes and Goodreads This week at The Confabulator Cafe, we are sharing our feelings on the holidays. My views have become conflicted in recent years. You can read all about it at Also, if you are a Goodreads user, feel free to connect with me there. I usually review every book I read. Discussing…
Santa Claus is Coming
Santa Claus is Coming It is time for the next installment of the Straeon Manor series over at The Confabulator Cafe. My contribution, “Santa Claus is Coming” is now available. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Straeon Manor stories, they all take place in the same house, in different rooms, in different…
Toolbox Stocking Stuffers and Another Acceptance
Toolbox Stocking Stuffers and Another Acceptance Over at The Confabulator Cafe, we are celebrating the gift-giving season with gift ideas for the writers on your list. I address the writer’s toolbox in my entry. Don’t be afraid to give a writer tools for their work. We love our work. It isn’t any different than getting…